Le Livre en papier • Marie Chantal UWITONZE

Catégories :
Nouveautés :
Voir dans l'arbre
Yves Delattre Dans la famille du fils, le non-dit occupe une place de choix. On ne dit rien pour protéger et, surtout, ne pas déranger. Alors que la santé du père...
La porte des légendes - Tome 1 : La Pierre de sang
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Diverses choses...
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Les codes secrets de Mamadou Ndala
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Marie Chantal UWITONZE

Marie Chantal Uwitonze is a dual citizen of Rwanda and Belgium based in Brussels. She is the CEO of MACH Consulting, a firm specializing in development cooperation, financing instruments and relations between the European Union and ACP countries. Marie Chantal Uwitonze also founded the African Diaspora Network in Europe (ADNE), an umbrella organization of associations of the African diaspora to mobilize and involve Africans of the diaspora in the development of the African continent.
She has worked for more than a decade in different international, African and European institutions, in particular the European Parliament, the United Nations Development Programme and the Pan African Youth Union.
Marie Chantal Uwitonze holds a master’s degree in international relations and an additional master’s in development, environment and society earned at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. She also holds a degree in international law and diplomacy from the Algiers’ National School of Administration.

Les livres publiés par cet auteur/éditeur :



Marie Chantal UWITONZE You have “The keys to a Successful Career” in your hands. Based on testimonies of success but also of failure by persons from...

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Marie Chantal UWITONZE Vous tenez entre vos mains « Les clés d’un parcours réussi ». Ce livre, basé sur des témoignages de réussite mais aussi...

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