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Le mythe du désabusé
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Explications de Textes Bibliques
Jacob LorberC’est par la parole intérieure, la voix du Seigneur que Jacob Lorber entendait en lui, que cet ouvrage a été dicté par le Seigneur. Ce sont 35 textes de...
Idylle, lyrisme et onirisme
Mire-LuneAprès plusieurs années à m'investir dans ma guérison spirituelle, je livre ici les clés d'une quintessence qui peut correspondre à l’œuvre au blanc...
VOID is a collective of visual artists composed of Arnaud Eeckhout (BE 1987) and Mauro Vitturini (IT 1985). Since 2013, both live and work in Brussels. They were the winners of the Prix Médiatine (2015) and the Salomon Residency Award at the ISCP New York (2019) and show their work both in Belgium and abroad.
Using the audio medium in much the same way as a painter does with his brush to outline the contours of reality, VOID pursues a visual search that questions sound as a vehicle of representation.
For the two artists, the invisibility and immateriality of sound is the starting point of an investigation that questions the phenomena of language and memory. Their multi-faceted works take many different forms including videos, installations, books, performances, drawings, objects, sound pieces or still, interventions in the public space.
Les livres publiés par cet auteur/éditeur :
Noise is full of words, words are full of noise (Anglais)
Collectif VOID
Book written by a voice dictation software transcribing what it understands of the noise produced by an electric guitar.