Le Livre en papier • Granny is gone... de Rekk Samantha

Granny is gone...
Catégorie : Jeunesse
Granny is gone. She will never come back. Célia and Inès are beginning to wonder a lot. Where’s Granny now ? Why did she leave us ? Who is going to live in her house ?
Prix : 12.00 €
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Granny is gone. She will never come back. Célia and Inès are beginning to wonder a lot. Where’s Granny now ? Why did she leave us ? Who is going to live in her house ?

This book evokes death, the one of a grandmother, through the questions, thoughts and actions of our two daughters, Célia and Inès. They were five and eight. This book is based on real facts. Some of them moved us, some others made us laugh or amazed us !
Auteur : Rekk Samantha
Catégorie : Jeunesse
Format : A5 (21 x 14,8 cm paysage)
Nombre de pages : 42
Couverture : Souple
Reliure : Dos carré collé, cousu au fil de lin
Finition : Brillant
ISBN : 978-2-39017-318-2
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